Chapter 284 - Meeting on the Road

The snow was falling heavily and the road was abnormally smooth. The soldiers of the Han Army were making their way through the mountains.

"General Jiao, how are my men?" A high-ranking officer stood beside Liang Hongyu, and Liang Hongyu smiled.

"Not bad!" The high-ranking officer beside her was about thirty years old and was slightly shorter. At this moment, he nodded and spoke in a faint voice.

"But 'not bad'?" Liang Hongyu laughed.

Ever since she came to Chang An, she had already seen the situation of the allied armies, and she had also seen the situation of the Zhang Jia Jun under Zhang Jun's command! In Liang Hongyu's opinion, the quality of a loyal soldier was worse than anything else. Zhang Jia Jun was also so mediocre, the troops that she and Han Shizhong trained with far surpassed these allied soldiers, and also surpassed Zhang Jia Jun! Liang Hongyu felt that her army was already the second largest in the world, after the first female army! And the reason the true female army was so strong, was because they came out from the deep mountains, had an extremely good physique, and a extremely strong will. It was simply impossible for these Chinese Army s to compare to them!

"It is indeed not bad!" Compared to our allied army, our Zhang Jia Jun is much stronger, and our Zhang Jia Jun is also not as good as yours. However, compared to the opposing army, the gap between the two of you is still huge! " The person beside her was Jiao Wentong, who was a subordinate and an important figure of the allied army.

"Can't we match up to the opposing army? How is that possible? " Liang Hongyu laughed involuntarily.

"What I said is true. There is a huge gap between you and the opposing army!" Look at your army, there are actually countless soldiers whispering while they march, and you can't hear anything during the march! Your formation is in chaos, and even though they are on the march, their formation is unusually neat! Every single one of their soldiers were brave to the extreme. Even if they had to face the Nvzhen head-on, they would definitely not be at a disadvantage! I think they are even more terrifying than the Nvzhen! " Jiao Wentong said.

"They are even scarier than Nvzhen? I can't believe this! General Jiao, what you saw was the strongest army on the other side, right? " Liang Hongyu said.

"Every single army and soldiers on the opposite side are like this, all of them incomparably terrifying! General Liang, when you see them in the future, you will naturally know! " Jiao Wentong said.

"Oh!" I would like to experience it! " Liang Hongyu was still confused.

The five-thousand-strong army walked for two hours before finally coming to a stop! It was really hard to walk on the mountain road. After walking for so long, it was time for the soldiers to rest! However, what Liang Hongyu did not know was that if the Song Army facing him had an emergency mission, they would rush ahead and only rest once every day for half a day or even every day! Just from this aspect alone, her army was already far inferior to Zhao Chen's army!

Furthermore, Han Shizhong and Liang Hongyu have continued the good tradition of the Western Army, training under "Three days, one lesson" every three days in Jiangnan! In Han Shizhong's and Liang Hongyu's eyes, this was already the one and only hard training, but on Zhao Chen's side, they were training every day. Soldiers were training every day when they had nothing to do! Although Han Shizhong and Liang Hongyu loved their soldiers like their sons, it was impossible for them to train together and endure their hardships. However, in order to bring out a strong army, Zhao Chen actually went to the army and trained together with the soldiers, enduring their hardships together! The strength of these two armies could be imagined!

After resting for a while, the cold wind whistled, it was simply too cold, so Liang Hongyu immediately gave the order to continue moving forward!

Not long after they walked forward, a figure suddenly appeared in the snowstorm in front of them.

This figure's speed was extremely fast, but after seeing the army, he didn't dodge but continued to charge forward.

"Who is it?" Liang Hongyu's soldiers had already started shouting.

"Are you the subordinates of the Emperor Jianyan?" The person opposite him roared.

His voice was so loud that even the surrounding valleys were shaken. The soldier was immediately shocked. The others beside him were also shocked.

"That's right!" The soldier hurriedly replied.

"Very good! I am Jiang Nan Lin Lingsu, and I want your general to meet me! " The person on the other side said in a clear voice.

So it turned out that this person was none other than Lin Lingsu.

After Lin Lingsu and the unrestrained child left the valley, they had already parted ways. Lin Lingsu was walking towards the Tai Yi Feng, and happened to encounter an army along the way.

"Is that you, Sage Lin?" Liang Hongyu and Jiao Wentong were both shocked, and immediately, the two of them walked out from the army.

"General Liang, you actually led the troops yourself?" After seeing Liang Hongyu, Lin Lingsu was overjoyed.

That day, when the Jin Army went south, on the banks of the Yangtze River, Han Shizhong and Liang Hongyu led their troops to block the Jin Army, causing it to retreat. Han Shizhong and Liang Hongyu were now famous "notable generals" of Jiangnan! Seeing Liang Hongyu personally leading, Lin Lingsu felt a lot of confidence!

"Sage Lin?" What happened? If you weren't looking for the treasure, why are you here now? " Liang Hongyu said.

Lin Lingsu said dejectedly, "We have already lost everything!"

Liang Hongyu was shocked in her heart, and said: "A complete failure? What do you mean? "

Lin Lingsu said: "After we went over there, we first met the Nvzhen! Nvzhen actually has spies in my Jiangnan martial arts forest, and obtained the news of Emperor Qin's treasure! We discussed with the Nvzhen and were preparing to join hands to kill the Emperor Xuanwu and obtain the Imperial Jade Seal from him. Who knew that the Emperor Xuanwu would also get the news! The Emperor Xuanwu's army also came to the mountain peak, and countless martial arts practitioners from the south and the south had all died in the hands of the Emperor Xuanwu's army!

Liang Hongyu found it hard to believe, and said: "Master Lin, other than you, is there no one else that can come out?"

Lin Lingsu laughed bitterly: "I'm afraid everyone died there! Especially the people from the Shaolin Temple, including the Reverend Master Cheng Ming, the head of the Discipline Hall, and the hundred or so monks with the highest martial arts skills, all died in the hands of the Emperor Xuanwu's army! They are truly vicious. They set up an ambush below, so we are not their match! "

Liang Hongyu's face changed greatly, and asked: Where is Elder Wu Qing?

Lin Lingsu said: "I'm afraid that even Clan Elder Wu Qing is not safe."

Liang Hongyu said: "How is that possible? Elder Wu Qing was currently at the top of the Martial Arts Arena, and his martial arts had already entered the Xiantian Full Circle. Even if he was surrounded by an army, he should be able to leave! Even if it was our Han Army, it would be hard to keep Clan Elder Wu Qing here! "

Lin Lingsu said: "Emperor Xuanwu's army is unusually brave and fierce, all of them ignore their own safety, countless of experts surrounded Elder Wu Qing, no matter how skilled Elder Wu Qing is, he would not be able to survive!"

Jiao Wentong had been listening to their conversation from the side this entire time. At this moment, his heart was beating wildly as he said, "Emperor Xuanwu truly doesn't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is. He actually dared to kill Shaolin Temple's abbot and elder Wu Qing! Did he not know that the Shaolin Temple was the righteous leader of the martial arts sect? For someone like him, even the righteous path would have to take him as an enemy. At that time, the only thing that will await him will be death! "

Liang Hongyu shook her head, and said: "The world has always seen him as an enemy!"

Jiao Wentong was startled for a moment, and then nodded.

Since the invasion of the Female Genuine, many of the warriors in the Central Plains had joined a variety of allied armies. Some of them had sided with Zhao Chen, some with Zhao Gou, and to be exact, they were not considered martial artists anymore! Some of the martial artists from the Central Plains had gone down into Jiang-Nan. The Jiang-Nan martial arts path could now represent the correct path of the past! That was why Liang Hongyu said that the righteous path in the world was always against Zhao Chen!

Lin Lingsu said: "No matter what, he massacred so many people from the martial arts world, the heaven and earth cannot tolerate this, he deserves to die a thousand times! General Liang, you've come at just the right time. You're a famous general of Jiangnan, and your troops were once able to repel the Jin Army. You will lead the troops over, annihilate the troops from the Emperor Xuanwu and take back the Qin Shi Huang treasure! "

Liang Hongyu asked: I wonder how many soldiers and horses the Emperor Xuanwu has?

Lin Lingsu thought for a moment, then said: There are about ten thousand people.

Liang Hongyu said: Only ten thousand people, then I can eliminate them! Let's go, we will head towards that mountain now! "

Jiao Wentong hastily stopped him: "General Liang, you can't! The troops under the Emperor Xuanwu are extremely fierce, these five thousand people are definitely not their match! "

Liang Hongyu said: "That may not be so! Let's go now! I came all the way from Jiangnan to the Central Plains, I should also establish some meritorious deeds, and let the world know the name of my couple once again! "

With that, Liang Hongyu led the five thousand men forward, and Lin Lingsu followed along.

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